
Monday, December 3, 2012


*Walk of shame*
You guys, I haven't posted in like 3 months.
I'm really, really sorry.
I promise my blog is not dead, nor am I.
Things have just been, well, hectic with my Senior Year. I just haven't had time to sit and type a blog post. So, I guess I'll throw a few updates out here, sign off for awhile, and wish you all the best. I'll be back as soon as I can be. :)

-14 days of school left until break, 15 concerts to sing in during those days. Yikes! Fun but tiring.
-Smartphone is my new tech love.
-Smartphone needs a name better than Smartphone
-Boyfriend and I have over 6 months behind us and counting :) ♥
-Josh was in the fall play, Any Number Can Die, as Edgars. Boyfriend was Hannibal Hix.
-Josh is now in Willy Wonka as Phineas Trout (the reporter) Boyfriend is Willy Wonka :)
-I interviewed for a full ride to SVSU in November!! I will learn their decision closer to Christmas.
-I have amazing foreign exchange friends this year ♥
-My friend (Sopr)Andrew discovered I am easily amused by ducks. :D
-Senior Year Homecoming was the best :)
-I made signs for my friends playing in the powderpuff game. Good times.
-I love my senior pictures.
- Handel, Messiah is beautiful, but I am going to be glad when this concert is over.
-Our school's ITS troupe recieved all superiors at state conference this weekend! A first in school history!
-Josh has a new girlyfriend. :) I like her.
-I have an entire day set aside to bake and whatnot this month.
-College gets closer everyday. I am excited, but I want to savor these moments.
- I have an awesome church family. (That's not really news, ahaha)
-I have my legitimate liscense! (as of this passed August) This came with a lot of 'Drive Josh Here's. ;)
- 6th and final year as a camper at SpringHill is coming up...bittersweet.
- Need you guys to pray for a few things...But I can't really discuss them. Just send some prayers of hope and healing up for us and some friends please :)
-I think that's all I have for now.
Love you guys and God Bless!
Megs ♥

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