
Friday, April 17, 2015

Out with the Old, in with the New

It's been too long, dear readers. However, I'm hoping today that my year and a half hiatus can officially come to an end.

Scrambled Megs is almost 5 years old now. It's so hard to believe! This little blog started as a way for a 15-year old to write her thoughts and try to make others laugh and think - or at least smile. (Okay, that, and to keep her friends and family in the know on her day-to-day antics.)

Today, I am 20 years and (almost) 3 months old. Looking back at old blog posts sometimes makes me cringe, and sometimes makes me proud of myself.

Today, I am so different than the 15 year old that wanted to have her very own blog. Don't be discouraged, I am still goofy and compassionate and everything that is core to my Megan-ness...but in the last two years I have grown (obviously), matured (surprise!) and had so many new experiences, and I know there is so much more to learn and do. I love 15 year old me in many ways, but I love 20 year old me in many different ones.

All of that to say it's time for some spring cleaning around here. I'm going to bid a fond farewell to the little eggs, the Comic Sans (*shudder*), and a few of my old posts that I can't stand reading anymore - they just aren't really me, then or now - they are me trying to be 'everyone else' and that's not a message I want to send here.

Starting tonight (since it became Friday since I've started typing) I will begin the revamp of the blog, so today will be your last chance to look back at everything here and enjoy the cute little eggs. (I love them, but they've had their day.) So, my dears, here's to the new. I have so much to share with you and I'm looking forward to things to come!

Love Always,

Megs ♥

P.S. Ahhh, it's good to be back.

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