
Monday, September 21, 2015


After a stressful weekend packed with troubles and misfortunes, I had to laugh a little when I discovered that today is World Gratitude Day.
If you had looked me in the eye on Saturday night and asked me "Megan, what are you grateful for today?" I would've shot you an exhausted, frustrated look. I would've told you that, in that moment, I was grateful for nothing.
That's a terrible attitude to have, I know. However, I think many of us tend to find ourselves at the end of a long day or in the midst of tragedy thinking, What about this can I possibly be grateful for?

The answer is that we can be grateful - in any situation, at any moment - for a God that is with us through thick and thin, a God who loves us an those around us no matter what. It's been said over and over in dozens of ways, but all of that "Give thanks to the Lord" stuff applies on the bad days as much as it does on the good ones.
I'm not saying I'm good at this. I am as guilty as anyone else of focusing on the woe-is-me side of things before remembering to tell myself, God's got this. 

I'm also not saying we can't be upset, sad, or angry about things. Emotions are important, normal, and human things to have. I just know that above those human emotions is a God who hears our cries and will listen. For me, that is a comfort. I can rejoice and be glad knowing that.

So today, and hopefully always (I'll work on it ☺ ), I'm choosing to be grateful.
I'm grateful for friends who make me tea, listen to me rant and rave, and hug me when I cry.
I'm grateful for a family that sticks up for each other and loves unconditionally.
I'm grateful that I am a part of communities that generally choose to build me up instead of tear me down.
I'm grateful for a job that is flexible and coworkers that are helpful.
Most of all, I am grateful that my God is steadfast, strong, and loves unconditionally. I am thankful that I can mess up royally and still be "dear one" at the end of the day.

Happy World Gratitude Day, dear readers. Go and hug a friend for me.

"You turned my wailing into dancing;
You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
12 that my heart may sing Your praises and not be silent.

Lord my God, I will praise You forever."
Psalm 30:11-12

Love Always,
Megs ♥

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