
Friday, May 4, 2012

Still Here :)

Hey guys!
I'm still here and doing well, I promise. It's been pretty crazy lately. Let me get you up to speed...

After easter, Spring Break ended and I went back to school. On the 13th, I went to State Solo & Ensemble with Beta, my all-girls choir. We got a "II" which is really good considering only one "I" got handed out that night.
The 22nd was Josh's 14th birthday (IKR? What happened?? He also got confirmed in March. Cool beans, dude.) and we spent the day celebrating before I finished my day with a youth group road rally and kidnapped my choir teacher's son. (Okay, it was only for like half an hour and it wasn't really kidnapping. Sheesh.)
On the 25th, I left on a 15 hour bus ride to NEW YORK CITY! :D We (A Cappella Choir and Orchestra) spent Thursday through Saturday there, and made it home about 12:15 on Sunday afternoon. I got to see two broadway shows, visit Libery Island and Ellis Island, cruise around the Hudson River, shop in Times Square, and so much more. It was an amazing experience!
In the midst of all this, I've been having play rehearsal. Oh, yeah, I made the Spring Play back at the end of March right after I got my wisdom teeth out. Wow, have I been gone that long? Anyway, a little thing us theatre folk like to call 'Hell Week' started on Monday, and continued until yesterday. The play, "Murder at the Goon Show" opens tonight at 7:30. I'm so excited! You guys have no idea how good it felt to be back onstage these past couple of months.
In addition, this past Wednesday was Alice's Restaurant at school. Alice's is basically an all music talent show. We have bands and soloists, and there's a first and second prize for each category. Teachers judge it and Beta runs it along with our choir teacher. I got to be a bouncer, which is really funny if you know me. I did get to kick some people out, though :)
So yeah, that's just the major stuff that's been going on. Thankfully for me, we had a flood day today, so no school! I got to get a couple extra hours of sleep, which was nice, as I haven't been getting quite enough lately. I'm praying for all of those people affected by all the water around here, but at the same time it's nice to be home. :)
I may have some specific stories to tell from NYC another time, but for now, I hope you understand why blogging hasn't been a priority lately.
Until next time,
Megs ♥

P.S. For those of you who read this and are friends with me on FB, here's the link to the event for "Murder at the Goon Show" :)

P.P.S (Or is it P.S.S.?) Scrambled Megs turned 2 years old on Tuesday! Woot! :D


Tami said...

Meg thanks for updating :D I love reading your blot.

Tami said...

* blog