
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Creating a Musical: Day 3 (Or, I'm incredibly loved. :) )

Okay, so I have some total 'awww' moments from today, but I'll get to them later.
Today we started rehearsing the musical with everyone. That meant trying to get 50 kids (not including the actors/actresses) to sit and be quiet for about 40 minutes. The rest of the time was trying to get them to stand up and follow my lead. Oy vey.
I must say, Sylvia, who is directing this whole thing, has a VERY different approach as to how to teach these kids and how to get them to do hat she says. I will admit that it got on my nerves. I will also tell you that I was as flexible as possible.
A rubber band for Jesus. Lol. :)
Anywho, today was overall an awesome day.
After rehearsals, we went back into crews. My crew made 'shakers' and we had Justin (who is the epically amazing drummer/percussion dude from Soul'd Out, which I mentioned awhile ago) help the kids put together some beats before we paraded throughout the hallway.
Good times. Good times.

Quotes from the Kids:
"My  mom made you these cookies. They're no bakes." (AWW MOMENT!! :D I gave this girl a huge hug [and almost cried])
Me: "What's up, sweetie?" Little girl: " look really cute today." (AWW MOMENT!! :D)
"Miss Megan, will you come sit by me?"
"This is Megan. She's my friend."
"When do we eat lunch? My tummy is talking to me!"

Tomorrow's the big day!
Megs ♥


thatonegirl5305 said...

How does she teach that bothers you, Miss Rubber Band?

Megs said...

It's kind of hard to explain here. Let's just say she's a little louder and bossy-er (bossier?) than we'd like her to be.