
Monday, August 2, 2010

Creating a Musical: Part 1 (Or, WOW, This was an amazing First Day!)

This year for out Vacation Bible School, we're having the kids create a musical.
Yes, we've been over this before.
So today was expectedly hectic and crazy and wonderful.
The kids wrote the story and the script, (AMAZING!) and then we eventually broke into smaller groups. My group, the Music Crew, wrote the four songs that go into the musical. Yes, we wrote them. Lyrics, melody, everything! I'm telling you, the kids have great ideas. We have some working on costumes, sets, acting and promotion as well.
This is gonna be awesome.

Although, I'm very tired now.
Not only did I help with the Music Crew, but I created motions (beforehand) to two of our "theme songs", so I was up onstage teaching the kids and running the songs with them. I also was running around during lunch and song breaks making sure everything was going smoothly, and that mics were working...and the soundboard and computer...
 I must say, it's worth every minute on my feet just to see the excited faces on these kids...and to see them praising God in their own way. It's truly precious. And I love the hugs.

Quotes from the Kids:
"Can I have a hug too?"
"I know the whole song now! Even the words!"
"Will you help me write? My hands can't write that fast."
"I saw you up doing the dancing! You were awesome!"

I love these kids. ♥
Until tomorrow,
Megs ♥

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